We know that this site hasn't been keeping up with it's announced goal of a weekly Spotlight and for that everyone here at Voices to Hear apologizes. (It's actually pretty easy to get us all on the same page, even though we're using the "royal" we, it's just me putting this site together.) I could make a long list of what's been going wrong and a million and one other excuses, but that still doesn't get the Spotlight out on a weekly basis, so I'll skip the excuses and offer my sincere apology and promise to do better.
It's a new year and we promise to try and do better this year. Our goal is to present a Spotlight every week, hopefully on Monday or as close to that day as we can make it. We have a long list of artists that we hope to feature in forthcoming Spotlights.
We also have lots more new features for the site. Hopefully our interview "Simply Six" will expand and feature more artists. Lily Holbrook actually sent hers back, but there was a mess up with the computers and it didn't come through, so she's re-doing it. We're expanding it out, sending it to more artists in the hope that we'll get more back.
Soon we'll be introducing a new feature called "Buried Treasures". This feature will showcase music from the past that we feel should not go unnoticed and warrants some attention. As always our aim with this feature will be to featured some music that is slightly off the radar from the majority of the music buying public. Hopefully we'll introduce you to some great older music that you might not have heard.
Also this year looks to be full of concerts. The New Orleans Jazz Fest will be here before long and lots of great music inbetween than. Our concert reviews will be featured more frequently.
And last but not least we hope to start featuring album reviews. There's a lot of great albums out there that we want to bring a little attention to. Sometimes we try to make our Spotlights come out when that featured artist has a new album coming out, but we don't always make it, so some great albums are slipping through the cracks.
While we said that the above was the last we also are hoping to run a round up of some of the best music from the last year that shouldn't go unnoticed or unheard. So we have an ambitious slate ahead of us for the coming year.
We'd like to hear from anyone that actually reads this site. Please leave some comments. Tell us what you think works and what doesn't. Give us your feedback on certain artists, let us know what you think about them. At the end of each Spotlight we link to mp3's for a handful of songs from said artist, give them a try, these are some great songs.
We also have a cafepress shop where you can buy some neat things with the VtH logo on it. We plan to expand this also and offer more goodies for you to spend your hard earned money on.
And finally, yes we really mean it this time, pass this site on to a friend. If you like it tell someone else. The purpose of this site is to push great music from artists that don't get the recognition they deserve, in other words - The Best Music You've Never Heard - so let as many people know about this site as you can so more people can hear them.
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