Friday, August 8, 2008


The start of a new column that I've been meaning to get off the ground for along time now. It's called "BURIED TREASURES" and in this column I'm going to talk about songs, artists, albums from the past that I feel might have been over looked or just need some to be mentioned again.

Up first is a song from a group called Buffalo Springfield. The song is called "Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing."

The group Buffalo Springfield came together in the mid sixties. Its members were Stephen Stills, Dewey Martin, Richie Furary, Bruce Palmer and Neil Young. This was a supergroup before any of its members were super stars. All the members of this group went on to bigger and better things. The group didn't last long, three albums and it was splitting before the second was even out.

Neil Young was driving through L.A. with Bruce Palmer when Richie Furary and Stehpen Stills drove by on the opposite side of the street and recognized Neil's black hearse and did a U-turn and chased the two down. The four decided to form a group and took their named from the Buffalo-Springfield Steam Roller Company.

The record company didn't like Neil's voice, so even though he wrote a large percent of the songs he didn't sing lead on his own material. Neil wrote this song, but Richie sings lead on it. Richie went on to help form Poco after he left Buffalo Springfield.

The song is a haunting one of regret and loss. It's been a favorite of mine for a long time. Usually when Buffalo Springfield is mentioned it's with the song "For What It's Worth" which is a great song, but not the only one that should be remembered from the group. They put out a lot of good material that deserves listening. In addition to their three albums Neil Young released a boxed set of material from the group that included demos, songs that didn't make the albums and the first two albums themselves.

The song is the first single the group released and according to lore is the first song Neil Young taught his fellow group members.

1 comment:

Cinnamon Girl said...

The Buffalo's were lullaby music for me as wee child. Hippy parents ya know =)

My vote for another buried treasure would be The Youngbloods.