Sunday, September 21, 2008

SIMPLY SIX: Rachel Farley

Rachel Farley is a country singer from Atlanta.

1. For many artists, they cite a defining moment for themselves when they knew they wanted to be a singer. For many it was the appearance of Elvis on the Ed Sullivan show, to another generation it was the Beatles’ appearance on Sullivan half a decade later. Is there such a defining moment for you?

I have been singing since I started talking, however, in Kindergarten I got to sing the National Anthem at the end of the year program at my school. There were around 1000 people there. The response I got was great and I realized right then and there that I loved performing!

2. When you’re not creating music what are you listening to? Who are some of your favorites?

I listen to so many great artists! I love Patsy Cline, she is my favorite by far. I also listen to alot of Carrie Underwood, Martina McBride, Gretchen Wilson, Jason Aldean...well, I listen to country! EVERTHING country!

3. What would you say is your greatest moment so far as an artist, either on record or live?

That is tough. I love every moment I perform, it is just what I love to do. I guess one of the greatest was meeting Reba and the other would be filming my new video at the Ryman. That was amazing. My dream is to be on that stage sometime performing for the Grand Ole Opry when they move back to the Ryman for the fall and winter months.

4. Do you believe music can change the world or is just something to listen to? How much can music influence current events?

Honestly, I am not sure about how much it can influence current events but I know for an individual music can really make you feel every emotion. I do think music is great for the soul. I don't think music is just something to listen to because it can change how we feel just by listening. If it can change the world, I hope mine creates a positive change!

5. How has technology affected the music industry? How has technology affected your career as a musician?

It has made things different for sure. I think the industry is still figuring out how this will affect the labels etc. However, there had never been a better time for artist to get music out there. I have gotten about 90% of my bookings from people finding me on myspace! Now that is good stuff! I have made great contacts the same way. Before everything changed you had to find a way to get your music heard. Today, you have to find a way to get yours heard the most!

6. Now for my Barbara Walters question: If you were a pair of shoes what type of shoes would you be? Cowboy Boots! Definately boots!

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