Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Simply Six: DeWarren Moses

1. For many artists, they cite a defining moment for themselves when they knew they wanted to be a singer.  For many it was the appearance of Elvis on the Ed Sullivan show, to another generation it was the Beatles’ appearance on Sullivan half a decade later.  Is there such a defining moment for you? 

The defining moment for me as a Singer was when I walked off the street into a New York City Recording Studio announcing “I’m a singer and I want to sing”.

2. When you’re not creating music what are you listening to?  Who are some of your favorites? 

I’m always creating or waiting for the next song to come through. Also, I’m always thinking about the next move and how I can best let people know I’m here with a few songs you might want to listen to on your computer, iPod, in your car or on your home entertainment system.

Some of my favorites begin with all the Greats wither it’s in Gospel, R&B, Hip Hop, Rap, Rock, Classical or Jazz my ears has been there and always goes back for reference. I love to listen to good music.  If I think its good music, then I’ll go out and get it and make it a part of my life.

3. What would you say is your greatest moment so far as an artist, either on record or live? 

My greatest moment has not been reach yet, but I’m learning that this music game demand a lot of respect. I hope I’m doing well by that which I know is a great moment. On record I’m just happy to have put out Two (2) CDs “4” and “Romance”. To all those who helped made that happen, thanks. Live- I’m working on that right now. It will be something for me to remember personally for only God and I know what ABC… to go live is.

4.  Do you believe music can change the world or is just something to listen to?   How much can music influence current events? 

Not only can music change the world but it has already changed the world over many times and will always be something to listen too. Music is universal. It’s a language we all understand. You can play music to a baby and they know to move to it. That should tell you something about influence period. 
5. How has technology affected the music industry?  How has technology affected your career as a musician? 

Technology have created a whole new avenue of influences. Someone has taking the cow out of the barn. Now with that said if it wasn’t for technology my career as a musician would be null and void. Technology has given me a great opportunity and I’m during all I can to take advantage of that. I hope I can find that cow.
6.  Now for my Barbara Walters question:  If you were a pair of shoes what type of shoes would you be? 

That’s a funny question. My first thought is to be a pair of Dorothy “Red Ruby Slipper’s” because curiosity would have me ready to go over the rainbow to see that darn wizard. But, it was curiosity that killed the cat; in answering this question I would be a pair of the world’s fastest track shoes, to run my race.

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