Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SImply Six: P-Wonda

 1. For many artists, they cite a defining moment for themselves when they
> knew they wanted to be a singer.  For many it was the appearance of Elvis on
> the Ed Sullivan show, to another generation it was the Beatles’ appearance
> on Sullivan half a decade later.  Is there such a defining moment for you?

my defining moment would be when Petey Pablo came out with Timbaland &
they drop'd the video to RAISE UP a Carolina Classic,he open the door
ofr us.. i was just about to start my bid and one of the hottest
artist around my way..  That made me say i gotta do it for my city &
state from there on i decided to take it very serious

> 2. When you’re not creating music what are you listening to?  Who are some
> of your favorites?

when im not creating music there's no telling what i might listen to..
i like all type's of music & i dont mind listening to other genre's as
well.. some of my favorites? biggie smalls, tupac, jay-z, raekwon,
bone thugs, lil wayne, michael jackson, aaliyah, mary-J.. 50cent, run
dmc, krs1, kanye, the lox,

> 3. What would you say is your greatest moment so far as an artist, either on
> record or live?
being #1 on the countdown in my hometown & going on tour with bone thugs

> 4.  Do you believe music can change the world or is just something to listen
> to?   How much can music influence current events?

yes i do believe that, music has changed the world in so many ways
already.. it's apart of our everyday lifes in some form wether it's
TV, Radio, out shopping, on the net etc. Music has a dramatic
influence on current events positive & negative especially in certain
regions.. more so in the Hoods

> 5. How has technology affected the music industry?  How has technology
> affected your career as a musician?

technology has affected the music industry by making labels & artist
have to use a digital marketing/promotion plan... several artist get
there material leaked by hackers.. nobody really buys cd's because u
can get on the net an download.. technology affected my career by
helping me gain exposure in area's i havent been to yet.. however
there aware thanks to technology

> 6.  Now for my Barbara Walters question:  If you were a pair of shoes what
> type of shoes would you be?

a pair of nike's b/c i just do it,  i dont know lol

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