1. For many artists, they cite a defining moment for themselves when they knew they wanted to be a singer. For many it was the appearance of Elvis on the Ed Sullivan show, to another generation it was the Beatles’ appearance on Sullivan half a decade later. Is there such a defining moment for you?
  Yes, I'd say as far as performing, It was when I was 6 and felt compelled to Imitate Lily Tomlin's Characters Edith Anne and Ernesdine which I saw on TV. As a Singer... it was definitely seeing A Star Is Born with Barbra Streisand. I listened to that record to death and sang every note with her. I loved it. I knew then, that was it for me.

2. When you’re not creating music what are you listening to? Who are some of your favorites?  
  Wow, that's hard, I have an array of all time favorites, and I listen to popular radio, (I feel radio is still vital to reaching the listening public), as are the new popular online sources like Spotify. I put my top fav 50 records of all time on my blog if that helps at all. http://pattymattson.com/42-of-my-top-favorite-albums/ 
My interests are somewhat broad as I get in the mood for different stuff, so I might listen to a Jazz station, then R&B or top 40 or Country, and then my own record or a classic Fav. Station wise, XM Satellite Radio's Classic Rock Station, LA's 100.3, 103.5, Country 105.1, 95.5, 93.1, 97.1, 104.3 & 102.7, in Minneapolis KQRS, Cities 97.

3. What would you say is your greatest moment so far as an artist, either on record or live? My musical dream was to do CD of my original material that was world class, to hear my songs on Radio TV & Film, and go on tour if possible. Once I got the first Record done I just wanted to keep going....see my creations come to life and know they touched someone's heart or helped their life in some way. Completing "The Road" was huge for me....

I'd say my greatest moment...may be yet to come. My Christmas EP will be out Nov 1 and there is some amazing stuff on it. I also have all the songs for my 2nd CD ready to go. As for my greatest Live moment...I'd say it was with a little band called The PainKillers at Windjammers Yacht Club in Marina Del Rey. No pressure, just a bunch of A players having a great time. It allowed me to really have fun.... It wasn't about money there, or fame, just enjoying playin' and sharing your gift with a small group of folks that support you. Lots of love in that room.

4. Do you believe music can change the world or is just something to listen to? How much can music influence current events? 
  I absolutely believe music can change the world because each of us as individuals, are the key to that. We all listen to some kind of music and it has the power to do a lot of things, most positively and importantly; uplift, inspire, motivate, soothe, encourage, comfort and drive us on with a broad range of stories that touch someone's heart beyond the writer. Music completes film and conveys a level of emotion that only music can and on so many levels. Plus, we R one. Change starts with each of us doing...even a little something. Music inspires that motion.
I wanted to leave something behind that would help someone. I think I may have now.

5. How has technology affected the music industry? How has technology affected your career as a musician? 
   Technology is inevitable, we, most mankind, hunger to grow in some way, to learn and to reach new ground/evolve. It's a good thing in many respects, as it allows artists, businesses, and entrepreneurs a chance to get their work out there, in ways that 10 years ago they could not. This gives many opportunity, which is wonderful...Yet... not so wonderful, as there is more out there for all of us to sift through, much of which, is not good.
Also, with the advent of music being given away for free, (when a world class record costs 10's of thousands to make and even more to promotewhich is often the reason many artists have to stop, as funds run out), is really, not good. 

Imagine for a moment If you spent countless hours crafting an amazing book, $25K finishing & printing it, $10-15K on packaging and a little promotion, (all of it using your OWN money), only to find out all your neighbors got a copy from a friend for free, made copies and gave them away, or sold them at a discount in another country while you didn't clear $80.00. How would you feel? 

If you were able to make a living off the book, in some other way, then the giveaway would be cool with you, as you'd also want folks to read it, and enjoy it. 

But if you can't write any more books when you are REALLY good at writing books, because you can't make enough money to even cover the costs of writing the first one....You'd have to quit. Not Cool. Especially for those that ARE really good at writing books and it's their gift.

It's a difficult conundrum.

6. Now for my Barbara Walters question: If you were a pair of shoes what type of shoes would you be? Ha ha ha ha ha, you're funny!!
  Shoot, I only get to pick 1?....I'm a Jacket and shoe person so....Cool stylish boots VS my camper high healed tennis shoes in every color..... Camper High healed Tennis shoes in every color. (BTW I've been trying to contact that company to get more as I only have 1 pair in Dark blue that I've repaired to death. I've gotten no response. If you have any Ideas on reaching them I'd be psyched!!)  : o )