Monday, February 11, 2013

Spotlight: Skinny Bitches

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
Description: A two piece boy/girl rock band. Ricardo on guitar and Robyn on drums. Both sing - flexing harmonies and call & answer duets. Influenced by Fleetwood Mac, The Strokes, Death From Above
Biography: Robyn Craig and Ricardo Temporao are Toronto musicians and friends who decided to start jamming in early 2011 with him on guitar and her on drums. By experimenting with harmonies and heavy arrangements (reflecting influences from Belle and Sebastian to Death From Above) they tried singing with and against each other. From sweet sounding layers to biting reminders that duet is a four letter word, they figured they might be on to something a little different. Skinny Bitches was born.

The focus became material that could reflect their love of rock'n'roll while writing melodies that allowed each voice to compliment the other. This concept is at the heart of their early video "Let's Get Lost" (whose setting seems like that of a Brazilian carnival). After recording some demos they went on to play a few shows in Toronto and Montreal.

Most recently, they released their self-produced EP "Debut" and accompanying video "Gunsmoke" which demonstrates how this may be pound for pound one of the loudest rock bands going... but then again they're just a couple of Skinny Bitches.

Press Release:

1 comment:

Muara Pos said...

Thanks for the video, Love it...